Infographics and visualizations

Finnish design academy (2020)

Finnish Design Academy is a collaborative initiative among Finland's design institutions, aimed at enhancing inter-school cooperation and evolving design education to better meet future needs. The project has produced three publications: Muotoiluala muutoksessa: näkökulmia muotoiluosaamiseen ja muotoilualan koulutukseen, Muotoilun korkeakoulutuksen profiilikartta, and Finnish Design Academyn Loppuraportti.

In the project, I worked as an illustrator and infographic designer. All the illustrations have been drawn with one line. Additionally, I collaborated with the team on layout design for publications and jointly conceptualized a booth for the Habitare fair. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the booth was postponed to the following year.

Finnish Design Academy

Youth academy finland (2024)

Young Academy Finland is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to advancing research and elevating the role of science and scholarship in society. In this project, I contributed by creating animations, illustrations, and infographics for a YouTube video. My work supported the organization's efforts to effectively communicate its mission and activities through engaging visual content.

Young Academy Finland


TV Graphics & Media